Who is Elliot Chorny

Part 1 - Why did she do THAT

Halifax, NS - Feb 2025

When a six-year-old boy was stabbed in a random attack in downtown Halifax, shock and outrage followed. But as details emerged, a deeper, more troubling story came to light—one of untreated mental illness, missed warnings, and a system that seemed unable to prevent this tragedy.

In this episode, Jordan and Madelayne examine the case of Elliott Chorny (the 19 year old perpetrator) via publicly available documents, media reports, and Chorny’s own online writings. The resulting discussion reveal’s Chorny’s lifelong struggle with mental illness, her warnings of impending violence, and the many red flags that went unanswered.

Was this tragedy preventable? Did the system fail Elliott, her family, and most of all the young victim?

Part 2 - a Mother’s Account of a Preventable Tragedy

In this episode, Andrea Hancock shares the story of her daughter, Elliott Chorny—a young woman whose battle with mental illness, missed warnings, and a failing system led to an unthinkable tragedy.

Andrea reflects on the years of seeking help, the signs that something was dangerously wrong, and her gratitude toward the family of the young victim.