UFOs Above Canada - the St. Paul, Alberta UFO Landing Pad


In this episode Chris Rutkowski and I discuss one of Canada's many UFO secrets.

This isn't one of those secrets anyone is trying to keep though...

I'm sure the town of St. Paul, Alberta would love to have the world find out about their unique contribution to Canada's UFO history.

Many Canada's may be unaware that back in 1967, the mayor of St. Paul Alberta decided to have the world's first UFO landing pad built and the monolithic concrete structure still stands today... waiting to it's first arrival.

In this episode of Nighttime our topic is the St. Paul, Alberta UFO Landing Pad

Episode Links:

UFOs Above Canada Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ufosabovecanada/

Chris Rutkowski’s blog post covering the landing pad: http://uforum.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-st-paul-ufo-landing-pad.html


Musical Theme - Noir Tokyo by Monty Datta

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