Weird Tim Hortons

In this 'Nighttime Classic' episode, Randy and I revisit the 2017 episode covering strange stories set in Tim Hortons restaurants. 

Episode Summary

Tim Hortons Coffee Shop undoubtedly plays a role in the lives of many Canadians. That said, Canadians can be strange and Tim Hortons can be a strange place. This episode sets out to prove it.

This episode compiles a collection of stranger than fiction true stories that have taken place in our beloved Timmies.


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The Murder of Kristin Johnston

For a 911 operator fielding calls from a university city like Halifax, a Friday night is sure to be a mixed bag with periods of silence book ended by frantic calls from the evenings darker moments.

Those periods of silence get extended as the late night pizza shops serve their last slice and the taxis finish shuttling people home from their foggy evenings. 

As the sun begins to rise it's no longer a hectic Friday night, it's now a quiet Saturday morning, and there is a big difference.

As you will hear during this episode, there was nothing typical about the morning of March 26th, 2016...

Just before 8am, a 911 dispatcher took a call that would set in motion one of the most disturbing murder trials in Halifax’s history.

In this episode, Our topic is the beautiful life, and appalling murder of 32 year old yoga instructor, Kristin Johnston.

Three Chilling Tales from Haunted Nova Scotia (with Steve Vernon)

Some of my earliest scares occurred late at night, in the days leading up to Halloween, with a flashlight and a book of spooky stories.

Individually the stories may span just a few pages, but with each one the authors managed to drag young minds along to places more horrifying than they could have ever imagined.

In this Halloween special, Nighttime will again take inspiration from these books and dress itself up as a collection of scary stories.

Tonight you will hear three chilling stories from haunted Nova Scotia... written and read by my favorite Horror Author, Steve Vernon.

Bernie Langille - 2 - Larry's Folder

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In 2017 we were joined by Bernie Langille Jr. who had been investigating the bizarre circumstances that surround the death of the man he was named after, his grandfather Bernie Langille. 

When we last met, Bernie had not only been searching for more information on his grandfather's death, but also looking to simply confirm that the unbelievable story being passed down through his family was true. 

Thanks to a head scratching coincidence, the work we did in part one provided Bernie with everything he was looking for.

In this follow up episode, Bernie will return to discuss what he learned about his grandfather's death thanks to Larry's folder.  

Bernie Langille - 1 - Who (or What) Killed Bernie Langille?

This episode was originally broadcast 2017/01

In February of 1968, Cpl. Bernard Langille's young life comes to an end after a bizarre series of events that start at the Gagetown Military Base in New Brunswick, and end with his mysterious death in the Victoria General Hospital in Halifax.

In this episode, I am joined by Cpl. Langille's grandson, and namesake, Bernie Langille who has taken the lead in his family's fifty year pursuit for both justice and the facts related to this strange story. 

The Search for Ryan Shtuka


When 20 year old Ryan Shtuka stepped out of his comfort zone and embarked on an adventure with a close friend their plan wasn't anything risky or dangerous.. it was quite simple. They'd spend the winter in the mountains of British Columbia working at one of Canada's most beautiful ski resorts. 

But as it turned out, something went wrong; no one knows what exactly. What we do know is that his family, his friends, and an army of volunteers have been searching tirelessly hoping to find him, or any trail he may have left after leaving a houseparty during the early morning hours of Feb 17th. 

In this episode we hear the story of the life, the disappearance, and the search for Ryan Shtuka. Told by one of the people leading the search for him: his mother Heather Shtuka.

MsManda - Halifax's Independent VIP Escort

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You've probably come across advertisements for local sex workers. These are the ones that usually feature a semi nude girl with their face partially obscured and an invitation to make contact for... "a good time".

When considering 'Who are these girls?' I've always been somewhere between puzzled and ignorant... until now. 

As it turns out, Halifax is home to the independent VIP escort MsManda and she agreed to tell me all about her life, her sex work, and a bunch of other stuff that made me blush.

Episode Links

MsManda Twitter:




The Three Tragic Musketeers of Hollis Street (with Bev Keddy)

They thought of themselves as the Three Musketeers. Three teenage girls selling themselves for sex on the Hollis Street stroll in the mid 1980s.

The friendship they formed and enjoyed, against the wishes of their controlling pimps, would end tragically when during the course of a few weeks two of the three were murdered.

In this episode, I will be joined by Frank Magazine crime writer Bev Keddy who will share the story of the three tragic musketeers of Hollis street. Much of the information you will hear has come as a result of his interviews with Annette… the only member of the group to survive a life of abuse at the hands of sex traffickers. 

Frankie MacDonald, My Favorite Weatherman


Frankie MacDonald is a 34 year old man from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Frankie, who is autistic, has become known around the world as a result of the impassioned weather forecasts and comedy videos he posts to his YouTube channel 'dogsandwolves'. With his videos gaining tens of millions of views and having been featured on T-shirts, action figures, bobble heads, and a book Frankie MacDonald is among the most unique celebrities of our time.  

In this episode, I am joined by author Sal Sawler who co-wrote 'Be Prepared, The Frankie Macdonald Guide to Life, Weather, and Everything' along with Frankie.  

Where is Troy Cook?

Truro, NS - June 11, 1998 

As Tom Cook dropped his 19 year old son Troy off at his apartment, they agreed to meet for supper at a favorite restaurant later that week. 

When Troy didn't show up for the meal, Tom attempted to locate his son only to learn that no one has seen him in days.

Over 25 years later Troy’s disappearance has remained one of Nova Scotia’s most often discussed missing person cases and despite the attention and speculation there has been very few developements in the case.

Part 1 - The disappearance

In this episode, we are joined by the last person to see Troy Cook... his father Tom. 

Part 2 - Discussing the case

This episode features a conversation surrounding the disapperance of Troy Cook with Frank Magazine crime writer Bev Keddy. 

Episode Links:

the Find Troy Cook Facebook Group:

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Musical Theme:

Noir Toyko by Monty Datta






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