Where is Sherry Corrigal

Nanaimo, British Columbia

22 year old Sherry Corrigal was going through a rough patch. While walking a line between homelessness and couch surfing, Sherry was battling the same personal demons that had haunted her biological family and resulted in her childhood being divided between several foster families.

Sherry’s battle has become a mystery as in September of 2023 she seemed to vanish leaving behind a trail filled with unreliable witness, contradicting accounts, disturbing rumours, and desperate loved ones.

In this episode of Nighttime Jami Easterbrook will join me to discuss the search for, and the disappearance of, her foster daughter Sherry Corrigal

Episode Links:

Finding Sherry Corrigal Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/921018542355458

Anyone who saw Sherry in early September 2023, who has had contact with Sherry since that time, or who has direct knowledge of what has happened to Sherry are asked to contact Nanaimo RCMP at 250-754-2345.

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Musical Theme:

Noir Toyko by Monty Datta


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the Story of Rocky Rambo Wei Nam Kam (with Jack Luna)

When Dianna Mah-Jones uncharacteristically missed a meeting, a co-worker went to her house to check on her. What was found in the home was aftermath of one of Vancouver’s most horrific crimes.

The double murder of 65 year old Dianna Mah-Jones and her 68 year old husband Richard Jones was as brutal as it is senseless.

When the suspect, 25 year old Rocky Rambo Wei Nam Kam, was questioned he seemed more interested in talking to police about video games then what happened inside the home.

In fact, video games would become a major part of the case… as Rocky Rambo’s defense is that he thought he was in one when the elderly couple were brutally murdered.


Rocky Rambo’s Full Interrogation: https://youtu.be/nreAMEVgCUI

Jack Luna on X: https://twitter.com/Dark_Topic


Musical Theme: Noir Tokyo by Monty Datta https://soundcloud.com/montydatta


Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightTimePod

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NightTimePod

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nighttimepod

Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/nighttimepodcast

the Death of Riley Fairholm - 1 - a 17 year old, a mental health crisis, a 911 call, and a police shooting

In the early morning hours of July 25, 2018 a 911 call was made in Brome Lake, Qc.

The caller, Riley Fairholm, reported a man in distress, carrying a handgun, and shouting to himself.

When the police arrived on the scene it took only 61 seconds before a responding officer shot the young man holding the gun dead. In a confusing turn, the caller was the man with the gun.

The events that led up to and followed that police interaction have received much more than 61 seconds of consideration.

The victim's mother, Tracy Wing, has made it her mission to hold the police accountable for what she and her many supporters believe was the knee jerk, poorly planned, and unnecessary shooting death of her 17 year old son Riley Fairholm.

In this episode of Nighttime Tracy Wing will join us to share her son's story of mental illness, a 911 call, a police shooting, and her odyssey to hold the police accountable. 

Our topic, is the death of Riley Fairholm.


Tracy Wing’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl7LWqw7IYjnxorQnVW-M7A

watch the unedited interview with Tracy Wing (30 minutes longer): https://youtu.be/GC4akdneohM

the Death of Riley Fairholm - Part 2 - with Camille Larouche https://www.nighttimepodcast.com/episodes/riley-fairholm-2


Musical Theme - Noir Tokyo by Monty Datta

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Nighttime Links:

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Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightTimePod

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the Unsolved Murder of Tanner Krupa - 2 - a discussion with True North True Crime

This story is going to take us to an alleyway in Surrey, BC.

On an otherwise uneventful night, in August of 2017, something horrible happened there. Despite the passage of time and tremendous efforts we still don't know what happened exactly, but when the dust settled 19 year old Tanner Krupa was dead.

Tanner had only been in Surrey for a handful of days, there for a short work trip. Just a 19 year old who stepped out to grab something at a near by convenience store and somehow ends up dead in an alleyway hours later.

The only evidence left behind is images on a nearby security camera showing two white vehicles fleeing the scene. The vehicles, nor their occupants, have yet to be identified.

In tonight's episode, we are going to be joined by the hosts of True North True Crime for a discussion surrounding Tanner's unsolved murder.



Tanner’s Totes on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/439269710159487

Submit a tip related to Tanner’s death: https://whathappenedtotanner.com/submit-a-tip

True North True Crime: https://truenorthtruecrime.podbean.com/


Musical Theme - Noir Tokyo by Monty Datta

Provide feedback and comments on the episode:


Nighttime Links:

Premium Feed: https://www.patreon.com/nighttimepodcast

Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightTimePod

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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/nighttimepod

the Unsolved Murder of Tanner Krupa

This story is going to take us to an alleyway in Surrey, BC.

On an otherwise uneventful night, in August of 2017, something horrible happened there. Despite the passage of time and tremendous efforts we still don't know what happened exactly, but when the dust settled 19 year old Tanner Krupa was dead.

Tanner had only been in Surrey for a handful of days, there for a short work trip. Just a 19 year old who stepped out to grab something at a near by convenience store and somehow ends up dead in an alleyway hours later.

The only evidence left behind is images on a nearby security camera showing two white vehicles fleeing the scene. The vehicles, nor their occupants, have yet to be identified.

In tonight's episode, we are going to to learn more about Tanner Krupa's life and death from one of the broken hearted loved ones he left behind.

Our guest is Tanner's mother Kim Krupa and our topic is the unsolved murder of her beloved son Tanner Krupa.



Tanner’s Totes on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/439269710159487

Submit a tip related to Tanner’s death: https://whathappenedtotanner.com/submit-a-tip


Musical Theme - Noir Tokyo by Monty Datta

Provide feedback and comments on the episode:


Nighttime Links:

Premium Feed: https://www.patreon.com/nighttimepodcast

Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightTimePod

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nighttimepod

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/nighttimepod

the Life, Death, and Legacy of Amanda Todd (with Carol Todd)

Amanda Todd was still a child when she began to share her love of singing with viewers around the world on Youtube. Perhaps she was hopeful that she would be discovered like Justin Bieber, another Canadian youtuber, recently had.

Like Justin, Amanda too found a sort of fame as a result of sharing her talents. Tragically, Amanda is known around the world not for her voice or her charm but as a cautionary tale about the evils that lurk all around us.

As we know now, one of the people who was moved by Amanda's performances managed to sneak into her personal life, and infiltrate her inner circle. When Amanda shared an intimate photo, the anonymous predator would begin an odyssey of sextortion, harassment, and cyber stalking that would end in Amanda's death.

Since taking her own life, over 50 million people have heard Amanda's story, largely as a result of a viral video she made shortly before her death. In the video, shot on a webcam in black and white, Amanda shares the her story by flipping through a series of index cards as she visibly sobs.

Tonight, in this episode of Nighttime, we are going to hear Amanda's story by someone who has stood by Amanda through it, and still to this day carries on her search for justice, and continues her legacy.

Our guest is Amanda Todd's mother, and well known internet safety and mental health advocate, Carol Todd.


watch the unedited interview used in this episode - https://youtu.be/6QD5-kpLjgE

the Sextortion of Amanda Todd (CBC Documentary) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQRnSIa-qQM

Stalking Amanda Todd : The Man in the Shadows (cbc documentary) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRidpO7kUO0

Amanda’s story video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh9R2gjW-Wg

Amanda Todd Legacy - https://www.amandatoddlegacy.org

Amanda Todd Legacy Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AmandaToddLegacyStayingStrong


Musical Theme: Noir Toyko - Monty Datta

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Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nighttimepod

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/nighttimepod

Email: NightTimePodcast@gmail.com

Premium Feed: https://www.patreon.com/nighttimepodcast

the Disappearance of Lisa Marie Young (with Laura Palmer)

Lisa Marie Young was a 21-year-old indigenous Canadian who disappeared from Nanaimo, British Columbia on June 30, 2002.

Lisa had spent her last known night at a local nightclub and several house parties, before accepting a ride to a fast food restaurant from a man she had just met. Her final communication was a series of distressing messages she sent to a friend suggesting she was being held against her will.

Although Young has never been found, her disappearance is being investigated as a homicide.


Lisa Marie Young Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/35766644425/

Laura Palmer’s Island Crime: https://islandcrime.ca/


Musical Theme - Noir Tokyo by Monty Datta

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Podcast Recommendation:

Island Crime: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/island-crime-gone-boys/id1513479877

Nighttime Links:

Premium Feed: https://www.patreon.com/nighttimepodcast

Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightTimePod

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nighttimepod

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/nighttimepod

Revisiting the Search for Ryan Shtuka (with Tyler Hooper) - Nighttime Live on Youtube

In this Nighttime Live episode I'm joined by Tyler Hooper (a podcast for the missing) to discuss the disappearance and search for Ryan Shtuka.

Links referenced in the episode:

You can watch the video of this stream here - https://youtu.be/mxW27OYEhgA

Listen to Nighttime's 'the Search for Ryan Shtuaka' - https://www.nighttimepodcast.com/episodes/ryan-shtuka

Tyler Hooper's 'A Podcast for the Missing' - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-podcast-for-the-missing/id1537205355


Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/nighttimepod

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightTimePod

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NightTimePod

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nighttimepod

Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/nighttimepodcast


David Hamel's Granite Saucer (with Dr. Matthew Hayes)

According to him, the story starts in the 1970s when two extraterrestrials entered his home through his television set and took him aboard their spacecraft. While on board, he claims to have been taught engineering concepts unknown to mankind. 

From that point on, David Hamel would dedicate nearly every cent and every moment he had trying to build a flying saucer with hopes of one day travelling to their planet. 

So...  yeah.. this is a weird one. 

In tonight's episode we will be joined by Dr. Matthew Hayes who directed a film about this story 'the Granite Man of Gilmour' 

Our topic is David Hamel and his Granite Saucer. 


Watch ‘the Granite Man of Gilmour’: https://vimeo.com/349086573

Contact Dr. Hayes: https://www.theonlymatthewhayes.com/contact

Matthew Hayes Twitter: https://twitter.com/freefoodfilms

Join the UFOs Above Canada Discussion Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ufosabovecanada

Report a Canadian UFO Sighting: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com/report-a-canadian-ufo-sighting


Musical Theme: Noir Tokyo by Monty Datta https://soundcloud.com/montydatta


Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightTimePod

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NightTimePod

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nighttimepod

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/nighttimepod

Email: NightTimePodcast@gmail.com

Premium Feed: https://www.patreon.com/nighttimepodcast

the Murder of Amber Tuccaro

20 year old Amber Tuccaro, was last seen alive on August 18,2010. She had left her infant son in the care of her friend and planned to hitchhike into the nearby city of Edmonton for the night.

The only clue in Amber’s disappearance is the recording of a telephone call she received while riding in a vehicle with an unknown male just moments after she was last seen. In the chilling recording, Amber seems to slowly realize the man is not taking her towards Edmonton but instead onto a series dirt roads… just like the ones her remains would be found on two years later.


Justice for Amber Tuccaro: https://www.facebook.com/JUSTICEFORAMBERTUCCARO/

Amber Tuccaro’s last call: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ab/community-communaute/historical-homicide-groupe-non-resolues/assets/phone-call.mp3

RCMP page covering Amber’s case: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ab/community-communaute/historical-homicide-groupe-non-resolues/amber-tuccaro-eng.htm


Musical Theme: Tremors by Vox Somnia https://soundcloud.com/voxsomnia

Ambient Theme: Fall Asleep by Paragon Cause https://www.paragoncause.com/


Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightTimePod

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NightTimePod

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nighttimepod

Email: NightTimePodcast@gmail.com

Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/nighttimepodcast

The Life and Cosmic End of Granger Taylor

In life, Granger Taylor was known as something between an eccentric mechanic and a mad genius. At present day, he is known around the world as the man who left a note explaining he had gone on an interstellar voyage aboard a UFO and was never seen again.

In this episode of Nighttime, We will be joined by investigative journalist Tyler Hooper who will share what he has learned about the life and cosmic end of Granger Taylor.  


Tyler Hooper: https://twitter.com/thooper8?lang=en

The Man Who Went to Space and Disappeared (Vice.com Article): https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/yvwjkv/the-man-who-went-to-space-and-disappeared-the-story-of-granger-taylor

Spaceman (CBC Documentary about Granger Taylor): https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/episodes/spaceman

Join the UFOs Above Canada Discussion Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ufosabovecanada

Report a Canadian UFO Sighting: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com/report-a-canadian-ufo-sighting


Granger's Note reading: Jack Luna of Dark Topic https://darktopicpodcast.com/

Musical Theme: Next Time by Paragon Cause https://paragoncause.bandcamp.com/

Ambient Theme: Fall Asleep by Paragon Cause https://paragoncause.bandcamp.com/


Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightTimePod

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NightTimePod

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nighttimepod

Email: NightTimePodcast@gmail.com

Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/nighttimepodcast

The Murder of Daniel Levesque

Aug 2011, Victoria, BC

When 20 year old Daniel Levesque moved from small town Revelstoke, BC to the comparatively big city of Victoria, it was to pursue his dream of finding a career as a performing musician.

Tragically, only weeks after he arrived, Daniel and the dreams that brought him there would be snuffed out by the manager of the convenience store Daniel had taken a job at.

That manager, Josh Bredo, befriended Daniel and weaved an intricate web of lies that played off Daniel's kindness, generosity, and his trusting nature.

In this two part series, Kristi Lee of Canadian True Crime and Jordan of Nighttime will collaborate on the telling of this story that should make anyone with a respect for justice scream.

In part one, Kristi provides a narrative account of the twists and turns in this heartbreaking story.

In Part two, Jordan will take part in an in depth discussion with Daniel's mom, the inspiring Stacey Thur.


Music: Vox Somnia


Canadian True Crime: https://canadiantruecrime.ca/

Love for Daniel Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/Love-for-Daniel-146570512102506/


Website: https://www.nighttimepodcast.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightTimePod

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NightTimePod

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nighttimepod

Email: NightTimePodcast@gmail.com

Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/nighttimepodcast

The Search for Ryan Shtuka


When 20 year old Ryan Shtuka stepped out of his comfort zone and embarked on an adventure with a close friend their plan wasn't anything risky or dangerous.. it was quite simple. They'd spend the winter in the mountains of British Columbia working at one of Canada's most beautiful ski resorts. 

But as it turned out, something went wrong; no one knows what exactly. What we do know is that his family, his friends, and an army of volunteers have been searching tirelessly hoping to find him, or any trail he may have left after leaving a houseparty during the early morning hours of Feb 17th. 

In this episode we hear the story of the life, the disappearance, and the search for Ryan Shtuka. Told by one of the people leading the search for him: his mother Heather Shtuka.