Three Chilling Tales from Haunted Nova Scotia (with Steve Vernon)

Some of my earliest scares occurred late at night, in the days leading up to Halloween, with a flashlight and a book of spooky stories.

Individually the stories may span just a few pages, but with each one the authors managed to drag young minds along to places more horrifying than they could have ever imagined.

In this Halloween special, Nighttime will again take inspiration from these books and dress itself up as a collection of scary stories.

Tonight you will hear three chilling stories from haunted Nova Scotia... written and read by my favorite Horror Author, Steve Vernon.

UFOs Above Canada - 4 - Reporting the 2018 Dairy Queen UFO Event


When considering the next topic to cover, I turned to the UFOs Above Canada facebook group for recommendations. As I took note of the many great ideas the group members shared, something else that caught my attention.

Two people from opposite corners of Canada posted details of their recent UFO sightings. The reports were different in nearly every way, but had one commonality. Each solicited help identifying the anomalous object and requested advice on where next to turn.

Immediately this episode's topic, Reporting a UFO, was the obvious next step, but I never expected it to show up on my doorstep the way it did.

Just as I began research for this episode, the gods of podcasting and whomever controls the strange objects in the sky saw to it that I would get a person lesson in UFO reporting.

In this episode, I'll share the story of my 5 year old son Dominic's recent UFO sighting, our experience reporting it, and share the findings of the investigation that followed.


UFOs Above Canada Facebook Group:


Report a UFO to MUFON:

Bernie Langille - 2 - Larry's Folder

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In 2017 we were joined by Bernie Langille Jr. who had been investigating the bizarre circumstances that surround the death of the man he was named after, his grandfather Bernie Langille. 

When we last met, Bernie had not only been searching for more information on his grandfather's death, but also looking to simply confirm that the unbelievable story being passed down through his family was true. 

Thanks to a head scratching coincidence, the work we did in part one provided Bernie with everything he was looking for.

In this follow up episode, Bernie will return to discuss what he learned about his grandfather's death thanks to Larry's folder.  

Bernie Langille - 1 - Who (or What) Killed Bernie Langille?

This episode was originally broadcast 2017/01

In February of 1968, Cpl. Bernard Langille's young life comes to an end after a bizarre series of events that start at the Gagetown Military Base in New Brunswick, and end with his mysterious death in the Victoria General Hospital in Halifax.

In this episode, I am joined by Cpl. Langille's grandson, and namesake, Bernie Langille who has taken the lead in his family's fifty year pursuit for both justice and the facts related to this strange story. 

The Search for Ryan Shtuka


When 20 year old Ryan Shtuka stepped out of his comfort zone and embarked on an adventure with a close friend their plan wasn't anything risky or dangerous.. it was quite simple. They'd spend the winter in the mountains of British Columbia working at one of Canada's most beautiful ski resorts. 

But as it turned out, something went wrong; no one knows what exactly. What we do know is that his family, his friends, and an army of volunteers have been searching tirelessly hoping to find him, or any trail he may have left after leaving a houseparty during the early morning hours of Feb 17th. 

In this episode we hear the story of the life, the disappearance, and the search for Ryan Shtuka. Told by one of the people leading the search for him: his mother Heather Shtuka.

MsManda - Halifax's Independent VIP Escort

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You've probably come across advertisements for local sex workers. These are the ones that usually feature a semi nude girl with their face partially obscured and an invitation to make contact for... "a good time".

When considering 'Who are these girls?' I've always been somewhere between puzzled and ignorant... until now. 

As it turns out, Halifax is home to the independent VIP escort MsManda and she agreed to tell me all about her life, her sex work, and a bunch of other stuff that made me blush.

Episode Links

MsManda Twitter:




UFOs Above Canada - 3 - Why Should We Care About UFOs?

Like any question that concerns odd lights in the sky, why we should we care about UFOs? is nuanced, subjective, and with many answers.

For part 3 of UFOs Above Canada, I've reached out to a motley crue of friends, podcast family, and Nighttime listeners to provide you a cornucopia of opinions on tonight's question... 

Why should we care about UFOs?

The Three Tragic Musketeers of Hollis Street (with Bev Keddy)

They thought of themselves as the Three Musketeers. Three teenage girls selling themselves for sex on the Hollis Street stroll in the mid 1980s.

The friendship they formed and enjoyed, against the wishes of their controlling pimps, would end tragically when during the course of a few weeks two of the three were murdered.

In this episode, I will be joined by Frank Magazine crime writer Bev Keddy who will share the story of the three tragic musketeers of Hollis street. Much of the information you will hear has come as a result of his interviews with Annette… the only member of the group to survive a life of abuse at the hands of sex traffickers. 

Frankie MacDonald, My Favorite Weatherman


Frankie MacDonald is a 34 year old man from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Frankie, who is autistic, has become known around the world as a result of the impassioned weather forecasts and comedy videos he posts to his YouTube channel 'dogsandwolves'. With his videos gaining tens of millions of views and having been featured on T-shirts, action figures, bobble heads, and a book Frankie MacDonald is among the most unique celebrities of our time.  

In this episode, I am joined by author Sal Sawler who co-wrote 'Be Prepared, The Frankie Macdonald Guide to Life, Weather, and Everything' along with Frankie.  

UFOs Above Canada - 1 - What is a UFO?

In UFOs above Canada I set out to remove the mud clouding the waters that UFOs may or may not be crashing into and present the phenomenon as I see it... 

Compelling, fascinating, inspiring, and most of all... a reality!

With this episode being the first in this series, it only makes sense to tackle the most misunderstood three letters in this entire field... U.F.O. 

In this episode the foundation for the series will be established by asking UFO writer MJ Banias the surprisingly complicated question… What is a UFO? 

Where is Troy Cook?

Truro, NS - June 11, 1998 

As Tom Cook dropped his 19 year old son Troy off at his apartment, they agreed to meet for supper at a favorite restaurant later that week. 

When Troy didn't show up for the meal, Tom attempted to locate his son only to learn that no one has seen him in days.

Over 25 years later Troy’s disappearance has remained one of Nova Scotia’s most often discussed missing person cases and despite the attention and speculation there has been very few developements in the case.

Part 1 - The disappearance

In this episode, we are joined by the last person to see Troy Cook... his father Tom. 

Part 2 - Discussing the case

This episode features a conversation surrounding the disapperance of Troy Cook with Frank Magazine crime writer Bev Keddy. 

Episode Links:

the Find Troy Cook Facebook Group:

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Musical Theme:

Noir Toyko by Monty Datta






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Esther Cox - the Great Amherst Mystery

The Great Amherst Mystery is a notorious case of poltergeist activity which centered around then 18 year old Esther Cox of Amherst, Nova Scotia between 1878 and 1879.

Thanks to the various news reports and writings that still exist from the time, The Great Amherst Mystery is often cited as being the world's best documented case of it's type.

In this series we explore this story and attempt to seperate fact from fiction

Part 1 - The Great Amherst Mystery

In part we are joined by author and playwright Charlie Rhindress who shares the almost unbelievable true story of Esther Cox and the Great Amherst Mystery.

Part 2 - the Haunted Girl?

In this episode, Laurie Glenn Norris (Author of Haunted Girl) shares the results of her investigation into Esther Cox's life both before, during, and after the events of the Great Amherst Mystery. 


Hubbells Book:






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Haunted Halifax - 2 - Black Rock Beach (with Steve Vernon)

Halifax's Black Rock Beach is home to many dog walkers, bike riders, and picnic enthusiasts, but the site's history is far darker then those casually strolling through may realize. 

A rock outcropping on Black Rock Beach was the site of one of Halifax's public gallows. Not only were many executed on the site, but their lifeless bodies were left hanging to serve as warning to incoming sailors. 

In this episode, I am again joined by past Nighttime guest and local horror storyteller Steve Vernon who shares his story The Piecemeal Ghost of Black Rock Beach

Where is Mekayla Bali?


April 12, 2016, 16 year old Mekayla Bali failed to meet her ride home from her Yorkton, SK high school. It was then discovered Mekayla never attended classes that day, despite having been dropped off at the school earlier that morning. 

Over a year later, Mekayla has yet to be located and her family knows little more than they did that day. 

Investigators were able to build a timeline of her unusual activities that day, but the information contained only creates more questions... most notably where did she go after 1:45pm and why?

A timeline of Mekayla's last known whereabouts

Join the Let's Bring Mekayla Bali Home Facebook group

The Murder of Pina Rizzi

While enjoying Montreal's night life with a close friend, 47 Year old hair stylist Pina Rizzi is invited to an after hours club by three men she had met earlier in the evening. Despite her friend declining, Pina agrees to go with them.

When Pina fails to return home the next day people were concerned, but the worry turns to panic when reports of a partially burned body is found in the area Pina had last been seen.

In this episode we are joined by journalist Christy Somos to discuss the 2009 murder of her aunt Pina Rizzi,


Christy Somos -

Trapped inside a murder trial -






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the Story of Eligio 'Natureboy' Bishop

When 20 year old Newfoundland resident Kayla Reid went missing, it was suspected that she had traveled from her home in Corner brook to the province's capital city of St John's.

Two weeks later, when she turned up on Youtube using the name Sunray in a video filmed far from the rocky shores of Newfoundland, the story changed from a missing persons case into something much more unique.

In the days that followed, the media would facilitate a back and forth battle between the people calling for Kayla's return and the Costa Rican cult she now called her family.

In this series we explore the stranger than fiction story of Kayla Reid and the cult leader she choose to follow, Eligio ‘Natureboy’ Bishop.

In this episode, we will hear the timeline of this unique story and hear from Sunray who recently returned to Newfoundland.  

In The Rise Of Natureboy, I will use excerpts of my conversation with Natureboy that cover his life as Eligio Bishop, and end with his spiritual awakening as Natureboy.

In the prior episode "The Rise of Natureboy" we heard Natureboy describe the life he lived prior to his spiritual awakening, as Bishop (a male model / stripper / salon owner). 

In this follow up episode, the story will continue from the point he decides to leave the United States.

In this "where are they now" style episode, Sunray will tell us about what she has been up to in the 6 months since we last spoke.  

In this "where are they now" episode, I'll share as much as I know about the recent activities in Natureboy's wild wild life. 

Haunted Halifax (with Steve Vernon)

On a dark and stormy night, I joined local author/storyteller Steve Vernon on a tour of Halifax, Nova Scotia's most haunted locations. 

In this Halloween special, I take you along for the ride with us to The Halifax Citadel, the old Spring Garden Road Library, Shirreff Hall, Halifax Club, and The Ashburn Golf Club

As we stopped at the storied locations, Steve shared excerpts from his book Halifax Haunts.  




The 1967 Shag Harbour UFO Incident


It's 1967, seventeen year old Laurie Wickins and a car full of friends witnessed a series of lights travelling just above the tree line. While in clear view of the witnesses, the object appeared to descend sharply ultimately crashing into the dark waters of Shag Harbour.

When Laurie phoned the RCMP to report what he thought to be a downed aircraft, he was met with doubt, but when five similar reports quickly follow every RCMP officer in the area is dispatched to Shag Harbour’s shoreline.

As the RCMP officers arrive, joining the crowd of witnesses at the shoreline, one this was certain...there is something illuminated on the water and it appears to be sinking.

This event, commonly referred to as Canada's Roswell, Is considered by many as the most compelling UFO event in Canada...if not the world.

In this episode we will be joined by Author/UFOlogist Chris Styles who will walk us through the events that surround the Shag Harbour UFO Incident.

Concluding the episode is UFOlogist Chris Rutkowski (@ufologyresearch) who will discuss the presence of the UFO phenomenon in Canada and what exactly makes Shag Harbour so important.   

In this Follow up episode I am joined by Justin and Aaron, hosts of the Generation Why Podcast for a discussion surrounding the Shag Harbour UFO Incident. As well, we will hear the recorded testimony of Laurie Wickins, a key Shag Harbour Witness, which I recorded during our recent meeting at a Tim Horton's Coffee Shop.

In this episode (recorded in front of a live audience at the Carleton in Halifax, NS) I am joined by Chris Styles, the civilian UFO investigator who’s work pulled this event out of complete obscurity and placed it instead alongside the worlds most compelling UFO events.


The Bayers Lake Mystery Walls

Shrouded in mystery and only footsteps from a major business park in Halifax, Nova Scotia, The Bayers Lake Mystery Walls are an unexplained archaeological site comprised of several stone structures of uncertain age, use, and origin. 

This episode will provide a description of the site, its history since it came into the public eye 25 years ago and will include discussions with the major players involved in the modern history of the site.


Jack MacNab, who brought the site into the public eye.

Terry J. Deveau, who is leading the research on the site and its surrounding area

John Bignell, who chairs a sub-committee of the Nova Scotia Archaeological society dedicated to better understanding and enhancing the protection of the site.